Brine Clarifier
EIMCO-K.C.P.Circular Clarifier are the most common type of sedimentation basin used for separating suspended solids from liquids in the treatment of water, sewage, Industrial waste and industrial process.
EIMCO-K.C.P. Offers Bridge mounted (B) type, Column Mounted (C) Type and Traction driven (T) type Classifiers mechanism for various applications. These operate on the common principle of moving settled solids to the center of principle of moving settled solids to the centre of the tank for removal, and differ principally in the method used to support and drive the rotating sludge removal arms.
EIMCO-K.C.P. Classifiers are designed to handle variety of applications & flows and clarifier includes scum skimming device to remove the floating material.
- Primary Clarifiers.
- Secondary Clarifiers.
- Brine Clarifiers for Caustic Soda Industries.
- Reactor Clarifiers.
- White Liquid Clarifiers & Green Liquor Clarifiers for Pulp & Paper Industries.
- Lamella Clarifiers.